Sunday, March 9, 2008

Venting session

Regarding the profile project, I'm not especially happy that I kept my writing under...rather "at" 250 words. My interpretation of 200-250 words is no less than 200, no more than 250 words. I mean, every other time they've told us "at least 150 words", etc. so we knew we had to be over a certain amount. I also think that should have been one of the main challenges for this project too since it is damn hard to keep it that short. It was obvious that many other classmates went well above...sorry, had to step away to change a dirty diaper. Welcome to my life...that pseudo word count. Not that I'm mad at people in the class, but I think this criteria should have been made much more clearer so some of us (Okay, ME) didn't spend all that time refining their writing, only to now have more work to do to add text back in. I'm not especially excited about wasted time these days, but I guess this is the nature of the beast in the design and writing world. Moral of the story...ask more questions about the requirements for all projects going forward. Oh, and while I'm at it, is anyone else just slightly amazed at this kind of ambiguity in our daily sheets? I also noticed that the one we received on March 1st had the titles of projects 2 and 3 as "Make your Friend a Star". I'd like to see our handouts held to the same high standard our projects are. Maybe it would avoid confusion. I digress...

1 comment:

Markorama said...

Nice, I noticed the same error on the hand outs, keep that one in your back pocket.

I completely agree about the people going way over on their word count, that was really annoying to see. I noted it in my blog as well.