Sunday, March 2, 2008

I got my mind on my projects and my projects on my mind

Okay, so I'm very glad I did so much for those first drafts of project's really making that part of this week not-so-stressful (knock on wood of course, cause that could change). For this cause and effect project, I am seriously considering doing the effect that television has on children under 2 years of age. There have been studies which show that children who are inundated with television aren't developing the expressive language they need during the early stages of childhood which could lead to a number of different things...acting out/aggressiveness, frustration, obesity, etc. It looks like for this idea, people may have to "take that walk". Another really good idea is one my wife suggested, but I haven't decided how depict the cause/effect...the new head of Baltimore City Schools (Alonso) has tried to institute paying students for better academic performance and graduation. I'll need to research this more, but I'm under the assumption this isn't the first time this has been done in the country and I'm still deciding whether the cause would be the bad grades, or the cause would be the payoff, thereby making the effect....???


Markorama said...

The school thing is a pretty original topic. The NFL issue really does anger me considering it's only a few hundred guys and the league basically prints money at this point. I remember meeting waiting on Johnny U once and his hands were really messed up, but he still would give anyone an autograph.

BK said...

I think that the idea of the effects of television on kids under 2 is very interesting. I think that you already have some great effects. I also think that in our society today people really need to know these effects, it seems like kids watch so much TV and with things like Baby Einstein video's parents think you can just plop you child down. Change the world Chris.